100 Days Of Python - Day 7
Day 7 Hangman Game # hangman_words.py word_list = [ 'abruptly', 'absurd', 'abyss', 'affix', 'askew', 'avenue', 'awkward', 'axiom', 'azure', 'bagpipes', 'bandwagon', 'banjo', 'bayou', 'beekeeper',...
Day 7 Hangman Game # hangman_words.py word_list = [ 'abruptly', 'absurd', 'abyss', 'affix', 'askew', 'avenue', 'awkward', 'axiom', 'azure', 'bagpipes', 'bandwagon', 'banjo', 'bayou', 'beekeeper',...
Day 6 Python Functions A function is a block of code that performs a specific task. It is a reusable piece of code that can be called from anywhere in your program. Defining a function To defin...
Day 5 Using the for loop with Python Lists We can use the for loop to iterate over a list. fruits = ["Apple", "Peach", "Pear"] for fruit in fruits: print(fruit) # Output: # Apple # Peach # ...
Day 4 Data Structures on Python Documentation Module A module is a file containing Python definitions and statements. The file name is the module name with the suffix .py appended. Importin...
Day 3 Conditional statements in Python are used to control the flow of the program. They are used to perform different actions based on different conditions. If/Else Statements The if sta...
Python - Day 2 Data Types Data types are the building blocks of all languages. They are the different types of data that we can use in our programs. Data types in Python include: String like...
Python - Day 1 Printing print("Hello World") Input print("Hello " + input("What is your name? ")) String length print(len(input("What is your name? "))) Variables To create a variable, ...
Error Message The error message is displayed when I tried to start a docker container that uses the port 5432, but the port is already in use. ERROR: for <APP-NAME> Cannot start servic...
Benefits of Using Docker Containers: Efficient Hardware Use: Efficient Hardware Use Containers run without needing a separate virtual machine (VM), relying on the host kernel,...
Introduction A Docker container has a lifecycle that you can use to manage and track the state of the container. Container Lifecycle: The lifecycle of a container includes the following...